
What is Notivity?

Notivity is a powerful, modernly designed note app with many functions for organising projects and notes. Manage thoughts and ideas efficiently.

Windows 7 or higher

Why Notivity?

Minimalistic design

Notivity offers you a beautiful, modern and minimalistic design, in addition a matching, very good darkmode, many shortcuts to navigate to certain functions, a responsive UI and much more, which simplifies the use for you.

Focus on productivity

Notivity places a high value on productivity, which is why a lot of attention was paid during development to ensure that no more than a click is needed to get started directly or to switch between notes. Look forward to future updates, because productivity will always be improved.

3 types in 1 note app

With Notivity you can choose between 3 note types (Tasks --> Todos, Text --> Text & Markdown, Draw --> a Free Canvas) that allow you to better sort and manage your notes. They offer you a customized environment for your notes, optimized for the foreseen use.


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